Wetland Research Center
Project Summary: Within the context of the city and adjacent river infrastructure, the program of the project is to base the parti of the precedent explored earlier. We are to engage the site and its surrounding infrastructure as a wetland research center to transform the site into a public connection between natural forces and private research.
This was an explorative study into how light probes could distinguish the space of what will later be referred to as "social links", where they link the social activity of circulation with building program.
(Below) Further development of the link. This study model is helping me think through structure, light and envelope. Each link is initially set up on a grid of 30' but prohibits the dynamics of light between levels. The model also led to the discovery of what is inside and what is outside. Additionally, the exterior cladding refers to a working metaphor of the rivers' topography changing over time.
Beginning stages of the site as a whole. Placement of the research center is important due to the infrastructure of the river being so close and some of the program needing access directly to the rivers' edge. It was extremely helpful to make study models in order to locate the building placement on the site in relation to the river. The form of this particular model was revised after a term review to better incorporate its exposure to pedestrian traffic and combine programmed spaces.
Final models have been photographed and evoke the spirit of the building with illuminated "social links".